Series 6-Biting the Hand That Feeds

Quick Summary

While Todd Ticket works to juggle school, work, and international crime fighting he soon comes to realize that he is not only surrounded by heroes of circumstance, but by others who do not even realize what they are... or are not. These individuals are soon forced to make a stand in a world that not only misjudges them but also underestimates them.

Dangerous old enemies resurface as terrible new threats and the mayor moves to create new laws for the safety and protection of others: the banishment of life itself!

And the secret behind these powerful changes are the horrible beginnings of one of Cycle City's most powerful crime lords!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Claw-Growth

Real name: Todd Ticket
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Calm, publicly shy, determinded, stumbles over words, likable, funny, good-natured, kind, but unlucky with girls.
Steel-worker turned gymnast, strong, agile, brave, unafraid of heights, quick-thinking/reflexes, and persistant.
Retractable twin drill/claws, one on each hand, able to fire from each hand and connected by a ionic-bond version of a magnetic tractor beam. Able to drill through solid metal with diamond-tipped drills and crush car engines with hydraulic claws. Claw ‘blades’ contain multiple dual-directions ‘hinges’ for versatility.
Claws are fired off with a combination of electromagnetic/harmonic repulsors. The repulsors are specifically tuned to the claw’s harmonic frequency so that they will pull back or launch out, instead of attracting/retracting anything else.
Interior of claws and bottom of boots contain alien ionic bonding substance, enabling him to stick to surfaces.
Interior of claws also contain ionic-bond firing ion cannons, capable of rendering electronic equipment worthless and living tissue unconscious. Later will be able to fire a liquid ionic-bond for trapping targets in place.
Helmet includes various filtering/analyzing/sensory-boosting/scanning equipment.
Ticket can target with his eyes by looking at his target. External speakers and internal functions are all voice activated.
Clutch' terrain-climbing S.U.V. and 'Grasp' Motorcycle.
Dual, wrist mini-LAW’s on chains under his street clothes.
Preferred Strike: Double, claw-extended swipe.

To the horror of The Claw and his team they discover that Superior Johnston had been in business for years creating super-powerful beings and selling them on the black market to the highest bidder. Superior had a long reach and his 'products' ranged all over the world. The Claw, Specter Phase, Bondman and their friends now fight Superior Johnston’s creations and any other foes trying to destroy peace.


Real name: Ex-Police Chief Random Bishop
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Temperament: Patient, street-smart, kind, determined, able to take control but also ask for/accept help, and providing.
Weapons/Equipment: Ionic bond net launcher, grendade-glop mortar, stream-line rifle, and recovered alien laser.
Preferred Weapon: His turned-in police-issued .40 caliber pistol. He will miss it.

The retired police chief of Cycle City, who still believes in Prof. Cloward's dream and knows more than ever that it takes more than just the police to keep the citizens of Cycle City safe from the crime and threatens to overwhelm it.

His ethics were originally put to the test when the new mayor forced Bishop's hand and ordered him to arrest The Claw and any other vigilante force working to protect the city.
Now she crosses the line by ordering the police to now arrest any known "Prowl" drug individuals who exhibit powers, whether it is intentional or not.

Bishop's daughter, Carol, had the "Prowl" drug forced on her and was secretly receiving treatment from Intellect Defense.
Forced with the prospect of arresting his 5 year old daughter for something that was forced upon her, Bishop is forced to make a choice, and decides to quit the police force. He now officially joins Ticket's crusade to fight crime and injustice in the city!

Armed with multiple non-lethal, crowd-controling ionic bond weapons created by Marla Bishop takes to the street with the hopes of somehow still being able to provide for his family.

Triplicate - Ein, Dual, & Thryce

Real name: Unknown
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Temperament: Smart, clever, direct, strong, and distracted.
Powers/Abilities: Able to use all senses through all of his bodies and control them with perfect clarity. Range: Yet to be determined. Athletic tumbling/fighting: Attacks opponents from 3 different directions with unparalleled coordination and tumbling tactics.
Preferred Strike: Catch, swing, and stomp.

Triplets born with one mind controlling and operating all three bodies. His abilities came via Crime Shark's "Prowl" drug and he wants justice and/or revenge for what he did to he and his brothers.

He gave his individual bodies names so that others could differentiate but it's not necessary for him.

An excellent spy and hand-to-hand combat fighter. Currently not proficient with any weapons; he doesn't feel he needs them.

He is often reminding others that for him, controlling one body is like others waving only one hand. When frustrated, he will sometimes speak through all 3 bodies. He is searching for a cure to his situation and he lives with the regret that he might have killed his actual brothers. But he still fights with hope to find a way to live a normal life.

He comes to the shocking realization that his brothers are both still alive; their conciousnesses are just suppressed in the back of his own body's mind.
Now he is determined more than ever to try to find a way to seperate them from him, allow them to return to their own bodies, and live their own lives.

Dead Eye

Professional, specialty sniper. His super-sniper scope is built into his eye piece. He doesn’t need to look through his eye piece scope to aim at his targets.

An ex-military soldier from an unknown location who used to be part of the same group as Dead Bolt. Dead Bolt sold out to an enemy their group was supposed to take out. He betrayed their group and supposedly killed them all but Dead Eye survived. Now, he aims for more than revenge – he wants justice on the man who betrayed their group… and their honor.
Has previously teamed up with Iron Klad when Dead Bolt worked for a time in Russia. Their position was compromised and Dead Bolt fled to Cycle City.

Eventually joins the “Prowler” group to take out Crime Shark.

Fire Bird

Able to create and control fire. Also able to fly on the heat waves of her fire.

No one knows where she came from or where she got her powers from.

When she is not on the run from Impervious or helping The Claw she helps to keep the crime down in Cycle City when The Claw begins to travel around the world!


Martial Artist with only one ability - the ability to automaticly dodge any attack. Given the frustration of his opponents he has no qualms, or restraints, against mocking them... before taking them down.

Crime Shark

Real name: Unknown
Affiliation: His underground criminal empire
Temperament: Smart, feisty, short-tempered, controlling, greedy... vivacious.
Powers/Abilities: Owns a small, local drug cartel company that specializes in the street-drug "Prowl," which is based off of an alien predator's DNA. An overuse of the DNA himself has permanently reformed his teeth into a maw of razor-sharp, needle teeth.
Preferred Strike: Sink and sip.

A crime boss who has a fascination for anything with teeth – which is why he allowed himself to begin receiving the strange, alien Blood Prowler’s DNA genes on a small basis. Unfortunately, over time he not only gained their teeth but also their ferocity and appetite.

He used to push his "Prowl" drug, enforcing it on others to get them hooked. What's he's come to recognize and appreciate is after-effect the alien's DNA has on certain 'customers.' Given the DNA's wild adaptability characteristics it often is able to create unpredictable powers, skills, and abilities in others... making his 'users' super human.
Crime Shark has located and now employs a number of these individuals with 'unique abilities.' Big Baer is one of them.

He also deals in scientific experiments in the alien monsters and smuggles them out to the highest bidder as weapons of war.

Allows his carnivorous ‘pets’ to hide the evidence of any who… fail him.

Big Bear

Real name: Briggs Baer
Affiliation: Crime Shark
Temperament: Silent, strong, deadly, clueless... hungry.
Powers/Abilities: Controls the living essence of a grizzly bear that is trapped within him, which forms around him as energy when provoked.
Preferred Strike: Swipe and maul.

Another victim of the 'Prowl' drug birth defects.

Personal bodyguard of Crime Shark, who accidentally absorbed the energy of a grizzly bear when his family was hunting while he was just a child. The energy of the bear manifests itself in times of anger or at will, if necessary. He is able to fight opponents with the energy; smashing down doors, hurling them across the room, or crushing prey.

When the energy form is not in use Big Bear is often hungry and still displays signs of the bear within him, including speaking only in grunts and growls.

Dead Bolt

Real name: UNKNOWN
Affiliation: Crime Shark
Temperament: Patient, calm, calculating, silent, stealthy, quiet, and cold.
Carries 3 varying High powered sniper rifle that can be broken down and reassembled quickly, including conversion to a one handed sniper pistol. Two rifles have modified chambers are capable of firing multiple cartidges, designed to release gas, smoke, toxins/poisons, strobe lighting, and blood pellets to attract Blood Prowlers.
An essentially silent, and legendary, weapon that has no moving parts and can fire almost any quarrel, round, or ammunition supplied via an overdose charge of magnetics.
Skills/Abilities: Stealth, camoflauge, near invisibility. His suit is half black and designed to cover one eye during an operation for better concealment in an urban-jungle warfare situation. Also has window-washer-type harnesses that allow him to get the best shot from anywhere... even the dark, outside of a tall skyscraper.
Preferred Strike:
“Distance, silence, and invisibility are my weapons.”

Dead Bolt’s rail gun was stolen from the Russian government.

Dead Bolt used to be part of an ex-military team of commandos. No one knows why he left or what his connection is with the Russian Government.

He now works full time with Crime Shark, mostly spotting incoming trouble and baiting Blood Prowlers with his blood-canisters to target enemies.
He does as he is ordered, takes Crime Shark's money, and doesn't talk about his past.
He also appears to be hiding in Cycle City.

Flash Freeze

Hired thug and a failed Superior Johnston product. He was in the process of being created when The Claw destroyed Superior Johnston’s BioMech company.

Escaping the destruction of the facility he stumbled onto Crime Shark’s syndicate and he hired him for his ability to safely freeze the Blood Prowlers for transport.

He hopes to be returned to normal-or at least have his procedure finished.

He was intended to be for an international diamond/jewel theft/smuggling ring. Their hope was that he could create ‘fake’ but real-looking gems to replace the ones they’d stolen so that people wouldn’t notice them.

They are somewhat of competitors to the theft ring that Superior’s super-fast ‘product’ Blurr belongs to.

Bomb Chelle

Real name: Michelle Baum
Affiliation: Crime Shark
Temperament: Cool, calm, calculating, patient, agile, nimble... and angry.
Powers/Abilities: Her body transforms her body’s sweat into nitroglycerin which is secreted through her fingernails. One slash and the target is going to go ‘boom.’ She also has natural body cooling temperatures as well as an uncanny agility intended to keep the nitro at bay. Her abilities are powered by the ‘Prowl’ drug as a birth defect.

Teased as a child for her mother being a 'Prowl' addict and also for having the shapely figure any of her peers would want it was no wonder what her powers would manifest as once word got out of the natural side-effects of the dangerous drug.

For her, it was welcome.

Once labled, 'The Bomb' by threatening and dangerous school kids she eventually became one and learned that her body was a weapon... not an object.

Faced with the dangers her new powers offered some might reject them. Michelle embraced them, considering it poetic justice for a world who never offered her the respect any woman needs.
Hoping to show her thanks and support she located Crime Shark and offered her abilities and services to the crime lord.

More than happy for the company and abilites Crime Shark agreed. Now Michelle had full permission to enforce her powers, got respect, and a paycheck to boot.


Another child affected by the drug ‘Prowl’ birth defect. All ‘Prowl’ birth defect individuals gain their ‘ability’ from their most prominent natural talent/emotional feature-it amplifies their strengths in odd and unique ways.

She has the ability to put any type of emotion of any degree into a person via touch – rendering them incapable, incoherent, and able to be manipulated. If she puts too much of the wrong kind of emotion into someone she may possible kill them. Touch goes through armor or energy-as long as there is some type of contact.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Amazing Prof. Wong

Korean posing as a modern day magician he is actually the first immortal ever created! Has all the immortal’s powers from the Tournament, and even more to boot (including Affect Time powers).

When vampires were first created from the Halloween King the immortals were also created to keep a balance, otherwise vampires would over run the earth. This guy was married and had kids before he became the first immortal. Once he became immortal he could no longer have children and watched over his family as they aged – and he did not.
After a large battle and fight (in the old Tournament's future Ki-Char valley against the vampires) he feared his line was killed off – however, the current family member survived and went into hiding with the only remaining child. That family member died before they could tell the only remaining child what had happened – or where they came from. Hundreds of years later, Sable Blade is the only existing relative to the first immortal. This means that he has the ability inside him to learn all of his powers also – which would allow him to heal his injured back. It would also thereby making his anti-gravity harness, phase blade, and power gauntlets to become obsolete. But first he must learn to fight without them!
The Amazing Prof. Wong would also want to find/train Dr. Shadow-who is also an immortal.


Information broker.
The Claw ends up going to him for info on BioMech's 'products' and things happening in Monster World. Maybe even Martian stuff.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Feed Bag

Bull Roarer

Nearly indestructible and super strong. Capable of tossing cars like they were balloons. Has twin horns on the top of his head, which he uses like a pitchfork for throwing targets/items as weapons and also for charging at targets. He is also a big, dumb brute who is as clueless as he is cruel. Capable of executing simple commands – but that's where it stops. Does not do too well with decision making processes.

Another out of work steel worker. Now a sold product of BioMech. Sold to an Italian mob boss who wanted something similar to their “running of the bulls” because he is a fan.

Jungle Fever

She has a natural M.A. (Mental Affinity) towards animals and is able to control them, call them, and use them at will.

Both parents were zoologists and biologists. Spent her life traveling the world with them and interacting with animals.

She picked up on his scent when he was fighting Anaconda Man in South America and followed him back to Cycle City.
Seeing The Claw in action she was impressed how his claws and suit reflected so much of different animal benefits (i.e. swinging like a monkey, claws like a crab, eyes like a hawk, reach to grab prey like a frog, ears like a wolf, etc.). She tried to get him to fall in love with her by using naturally-produced animal pheromones but it didn’t work.
Well, you know what they say about a woman scorned… it makes a dangerous foe.

The Axe Executor

Grants the wearer Axis’ strength (increase in size/stature/strength) and allows them to wield his giant, magical, firey axe.

To honor Axis’ heroic actions in battle against the horrific Bone Beast Saeline enchanted his helmet and magic axe. Whoever puts the helmet on will not only gain his strength, size, and abilities but also be able to wield his gigantic axe. It was intended to be a weapon of honor for the descendants of the gray (or maybe even Red) armies.
However, Dr. Shadow found and located the lost axe of CL’s ancient Axis the Executor… against the wishes of the ancient, CL gray army!
The CL gray army captures Dr. Shadow and Amanda Jane Owue and their kid, called Darkshade, calls The Claw… asking for help to rescue his parents! The Claw travels to Russia and incorporates the help of Iron Clad, his acrobatic partner, and the Russian vigilante called The Enforcer.
The CL Gray army agree to release Dr. Shadow and his wife if he can return Axis’ helmet and axe to them!

Pyschopart as Seth Hackshaw

Down on his luck character actor, he finally landed the role of a lifetime: a psychopathic villain in an ongoing comic series. Determined to ‘own’ the part he allowed himself to slip into the character role and is determined to not come out again until after the film is completed.
Problem is: halfway through the film they cut the project – but the actor’s character refused to go away, convinced that a ‘better performance’ will keep the showing running!
He’ll never come out until the film’s complete… but there are always the chance for sequels!
The character is a rockstar who realizes he can get more publicity blowing things up and killing people than doing rock concerts. It started when a person was killed at his concert by being trampled to death. Surprising everyone, he started to do things to encourage such violent acts from his fans. Then he started to do them himself until he’d sunk in too far. He realized the cops couldn’t touch him because he was already a big star so things escalated quickly. The character’s nemesis is a tough, bad cop who has no problem blowing things up also just to try and stop him! (Jack Slade-type character). Impersonator is asked by The Claw to play the part of the ‘good guy’ to help distract the character actor so that he can stop him. In the end, when The Claw helps stop him, the character actor only goes down because Impersonator takes him out, claiming the script said so!
Because he’s such a monster in real life The Halloween King offers him a chance to become a real monster! He hasn’t said ‘yes’… yet because he feels it’s not part of the script.


BioMech product.

Lives in the Grand Canyon – literally. Like Wash Out, he is ionically bonded, but to rocks… permanently. Able to affect, move, use, bend, shape rock around him in a 50 foot radius. Unfortunately, he is unable to leave the surface of rock-he is bound to them permanently.

Another out of work steel worker. Now a sold product of BioMech. Sold to a crime group that operates out of the local area who provides escape routes for them from the FBI. This is a crime group that Crime Watch has been tracking.
His location is close to where the Indian medicine man lived who made Wild Wolfe into the cop-dog he is.
Like Constrictor he hates what he has become but unlike him he has accepted his ‘fate.’ He doesn’t believe there is way to become normal again.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Live Feed

Eats/expels energy and solids through his hands.
Has no stomach.
His hands break down solids into energy and he absorbs it to fuel himself.


Bad girl.
Mental powers


Fire manipulating powers but not that good yet.
Wears a motorcycle helmet to cover his constant 3rd degree burns.


Elastic-stretchy guy


The main bad guy.

Has the ability to steal powers from any power-prowler and will never stop until he has overthrown the earth!
After he steals their powers he typically kills them.

One of the deadliest things he has done is steal the ability from another to duplicate himself!
He is now able to literally create an army with time and energy.
He also stole Shattered Shard's natural ability to create metal armor.
As he creates his army he empowers them with the abilities he feel they need for their specific mission. He'll never give more than necessary because he doesn't want anyone (or thing) to be more powerful than he is.
Already boasts of a host of powers.

He thinks the power-prowler with the duplicating power was killed but he actually survived! Armada fear him because he is one of the few people that can stop him with his ability to create his own army.

Split Second

Name for timing character


Leadership qualities.

Enhances the natural abilities in others, but not himself.

Line of Sight

Able to send data to another via sight. A living energy modem.

Triplicate is an advanced version of this power.


Major bad guy.
Collector of power-prowler's body parts; to either use for himself or to sell to the highest bidder: BioTech, Dr. Ekstein, or even Armada.

Collects powers from other power-prowlers to make himself stronger.



Natural disasters happen when she travels but her work always sends her on business trips. Because of that she hates to travel.
The disasters happen after she leaves. The longer she stays in one place the worse the disaster will be when she leaves.


Moral/LDS character. Truth/finder, seeker.


The Racoon Prince


Always has what he wants, when he needs it.

Where do your socks disappear to? He has 'em.


Spits deadly acid, gas, etc. from pores, mouth, etc.


Nemesis of Impulse.

Casual Ties

Bad things happen to those she knows so she excludes herself from others.

Her abilities will be countered by the 'luck' character so they become a couple.

Lightening Rod

Travels through bursts of electricity/metal.


Nemesis of Lighthouse.
Bad guy.
Incredible vision abilities: night vision, scope/zoom vision, x-ray vision, infra-red, telescopic/microscopic sight.

Can connect energy from face to launch energy from facial openings. Can also use the energy to 'connect' himself to anywhere he sees.


Nemesis of Becon.
Good guy.
Incredible vision abilities: night vision, scope/zoom vision, x-ray vision, infra-red, telescopic/microscopic sight.

Can connect energy from face to launch energy from facial openings. Can also use the energy to 'connect' himself to anywhere he sees.


Hap Hazard's brother


A bit of a fireball who acts without thinking. She has energy blasts from hands.


The brother of Lock, Shock, and Barrel's gun girl.

Able to turn both arms into energy cannons. Often finds himself in prison, for all the wrong reasons.

Shell Shock

Creates an electric energy barrier shield that shocks upon touch. He can also run in it and use to smash through objects.

Burn Out

Firefighter who can control fire to nullify it. He stores the fire in his body and if he uses it he has to replenish it to have more. Often times he will use the fire he has like a boomerange so that he will always have a supply.

Fridgid Frost

Controls sub-zero temperatures in water, ice, wind, objects via touch.
In time, be able to project.


Miss Fyre

Nullifies energy abilities

Ground Zeroe


Seismic Assault

Creates seismic disturbances by touch.

Tornado Blade

Spins like a tornado to suck up and throw deadly objects at his targets.

Rusty ?

Rusts metal almost instantly.

Able to rust metal almost instantly by touch.

Wild card

Able to have any power that he hears about… at random! He cannot control what power he has, when he has it, or how long he has it. Only that he can have a power he needs when he needs it… he just don’t know which one! Powers are categorized as: attack, defend, move, and information.

He has to hear about a new power in order to have it.

The power of positive thinking

Able to manipulate results of endeavors around him just by thinking positively.


Affect earth

Able to manipulate the ground/earth around him to open up, create earthquakes, shields, animated figures, or weapons.

Carol Bishop

Random Bishop’s daughter

A victim of Crime Shark’s street drug “Prowl” which was infected into her against her will. Her powers have not yet manifested themselves… if any.
Carol’s powers are based on health. With a single touch she will be capable of controlling any desired health condition, whether to inflict or heal.


Able to take upon himself the physical pains/infirmities of others. He is able to provide them with full health but he takes their physical problems upon himself. Will only have one illness/infirmity on himself at a time. He may suffer but he'll never die from his problems.

Skill: Extensive medical knowledge… based on experience.
Setback: Will never have the chance to be healthy.



Has an uncanny ability for winning… by inadvertently affecting the energy that allows others to make mistakes or loose. It makes him look almost perfect because others around him/people he’s competing against to make mistakes.

He is one of the few who actually likes his power. He is often seen as lucky. Naturally, he plays gambling games and sports. He always gets the jobs/positions he applies for. He also always gets the job done-because his competition makes mistakes. Perfect for covert op’s/behind the enemy lines/double agent work.
He would make ‘work’ hard for Wash Out.



Capable of healing/regenerating herself and/or others via touch.


Switch powers

Capable of switching powers between two other drug ‘Prowl’ birth defect individuals but is not able to employ any of the powers himself.


Sound: vibrations
Capable of creating high volume, piercing shrieks that border on the harmonics-vibrations that target the inner ear i.e. scrapping fingernails down a chalkboard. The sheiks are good for incapacitating others but do no permanent damage. Not as powerful, forceful, or flexible as High Pitch.

Hap Hazard

Miss ? Fortune
Nemesis of Luck-Effecter/ Bad girl

Has a natural M.A. (mental affinity) towards fate. Just by being in a location she has the ability to effect the energy of events around her. If she is in a good mood she pulls the positive energy towards her and increases her chances of good luck. She also pushes the negative energies away from her and decreases her chances of bad luck. If she is in a bad mood the opposite happens: she pulls the negative energy towards her and increases her chances of bad luck. She also pushes the positive energies away from her and decreases his chances of good luck.
She would ‘fight’ with her nemesis simply by being there and allow events to happen around them. (i.e. falling buildings, runaway vehicles, random storms, out-of-control animals, etc.)

? Ventured – The Fortune Hunter

REAL NAME: Rick Factor
“Nothing Ventured, nothing gained.”
Nemesis of Fate-Effecter/ Good guy

Has a natural M.A. (mental affinity) towards luck. Just by being in a location he has the ability to effect the energy of events around him. If he is in a good mood he pulls the positive energy towards him and increases his chances of good luck. He also pushes the negative energies away from him and decreases his chances of bad luck. If he is in a bad mood the opposite happens: he pulls the negative energy towards him and increases his chances of bad luck. He also pushes the positive energies away from him and decreases his chances of good luck.
He would ‘fight’ with his nemesis simply by being there and allow events to happen around them. (i.e. falling buildings, runaway vehicles, random storms, out-of-control animals, etc.)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dr. Heartstrings

"It's only emotion but it's all energy."

Crime Shark tricked him into making the “Prowl” drug; not knowing what its true purpose was.
After years of over-exposure during the making of the drug he develops powers himself and is listed as the most powerful of all the “Prowl” drug victims.
The drug doesn’t just affect unborn children – it affects anyone under the adult years. They are still growing and the drug is made from the DNA of the Blood Prowlers, whose DNA is super-adaptable. Because of the DNA’s ability to rapidly alter and change it can (and does) create any type or style of abilities.

He was originally convinced it was a test of their abilities to manipulate and duplicate human hormones.
After staying away for some time and realizing the manifestation (and control) of his powers he returns and begins to shelter those who have also been affected by the drug he created for Crime Shark. Feeling guilty and wanting to take responsibility he organizes a type of half-way house for those exposed to the drug and feeling the ‘repercussions.’ From this he develops a group of “Prowl”-prowling youth and adults bent on ending Crime Shark’s world-wide drug-reign of terror.


REAL NAME: Karen ?
Unable to control her emotions, she sucks in the life’s energy of those around her, making her strong but them weak and ill.
She’s fought and defeated Big Bear by putting her life in his proximity… and therefore in danger.


Similar to Karen, he sucks in the life’s energy of those around him to vitalize himself because he is unable to generate/use his own energy. He needs to take it from others. Always tries to make sure he’s surrounded by large groups of people. He does not make others weak and ill because he takes just a little bit from all of those around him. If he is by himself with only one person then he would make them weak and ill.
With time and practice he’ll learn to take it from other sources-plants, electrical sources, and even the earth. With more time and practice he’ll learn to give it back to others in droves!
Setback: Unable to generate his own ability and could die without another source.


Capable of pulling energy from the earth and using it to channel powerful blasts of energy from his hands.

Fung Shway

Has a natural M.A. (mental affinity) towards energy. She can see the flow of energy in rooms, spaces, animals, and machines. She can also see the spectrum/waves of energy and the auras in people.
Would work well with the Precizzion and the Machine M.A. guy on their projects.
With time and training she will also be able to control/manipulate energy.

Setback: Disorganization frustrates her, sometimes gives her headaches, and if it is bad enough can incapacitate her.

Weapon spin shield

Spins a weapon to create an energy shield. Also has Energy boomerang.
Able to create an energy shield simply by swinging an item like a rope, chain, belt, etc. The larger the swinging item the larger the shield.

Also able to throw a boomerang-type burst of energy that can fly around within a set distance and return to him. With practice he’ll be able to extend the range, size, and amount of energy (damage) in it.

The Animator

Animates inanimate objects.

Has an uncanny ability for infusing inanimate objects with energy so that they become animated for a short amount of time. Objects are capable of banding together to fight, take on personality traits, or act as a defense. Objects that are animated may or may not respond to commands by this character. Some may choose to run away. With time and practice they always will.

Solar Flair

Able to create, focus, and manipulate energy beams and arches similar to sun flares.
Human barometer.

Has the ability for affecting the weather with her emotions. If she’s happy the weather is nice and sunny. If she is mad the weather is hot, hot, hot. If she is sad it rains. If she is frustrated then lightening strikes. If she’s in love… who knows? Confused: fog. Emotionally distraught: flood. Other weather would include hail, snow, etc.
In time she could control the weather if she controls her emotions.

Implant fear ?

Ability to create feelings of dread, uncomfortability, eeriness, panic, or paranoia in any person by sight.
With time and training he’ll be able to do it just by thinking of the target.

The Halloween King wants to get his hands on him but he keeps running from him!


Has an uncanny ability for affecting all other drug ‘Prowl’ birth defect individuals so that their willingness to work together simply vanishes. Targets simply want to go their own ways and forget their objectives/relationships with each other. Targets have to fight to not be affected.

Match Maker

Has an uncanny ability for affecting others to fall in love for a short time, despite the opposite attractions. Will only work with males and females. Also works with animals. Targets have to fight to not be distracted. Most are unable to resists.


Has an uncanny ability for distracting people when she performs via singing, dancing, or anything else (i.e. knock knock jokes). People become hypnotized and simply stare at her. Targets have to fight to not be distracted. Most are unable to resists.


Harmonious suggestion/implant via her music

Ability to plant subconscious suggestions through her music.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Equal to Masquerade/Good guy

Capable of creating illusions in the minds of others to ‘mask’ himself, allowing him to look like anyone he sees, comes in contact with, or imagine. He cannot create illusions to mask himself for electronic devices… but he can mask himself for those watching the electronic devices! (Unless they are an electronic device themselves…)


Equal to Hallucination /Bad girl

Capable of creating illusions in the minds of others to ‘mask’ herself, allowing her to look like anyone she sees, comes in contact with, or imagine. She cannot create illusions to mask herself for electronic devices… but she can mask himself for those watching the electronic devices! (Unless they are an electronic device themselves…)


Desire ? Ellison/Alison?

Capable of creating a strong sense of ‘need’ in others through a strong power of persuasion-whenever she tells someone to do something they have no other desire but to do that thing. The ability is beyond hypnotism. Not as powerful, forceful, or flexible as High Pitch.

Pass out -power

Ability to make any person faint/pass out/become unconscious by thought. They must be within range, though.
With time and training he’ll be able to expand his range.


Ability to create itchy, tickle, burning, or other skin ‘irritation’ feelings in any person by thought. They must be within range, though.
With time and training he’ll be able to expand his range.


Ability to re-create any memory by touch. The memories are so vivid it’s like she and the target person are both actually there.
With time and training she’ll be able to do it from a distance.

The Machinist

Nexus’ Nemesis/Good guy

Has a natural M.A. (mental affinity) towards machines. He can think of what it would take to make a machine and feel the natural flow of energy necessary to make the device.

He created Ringtail's robotic tail and hooks up with Hottie Rod and her team. He stays with her with his hydrolift robot assistant.

Predictor ?

Foretells the future via Dreams

Has the ability to see the future in dreams. However, the dreams are portrayed as if they were stories and not actual events.


Mental ‘polarity’ of any object

Able to ‘reverse the polarity’ of any object with his mind. Telekinesis, so that it appears that objects either ‘run’ from him or are called to him, like metal to a magnet.

Sensor Sight

Hits anything he throws at.

Has a built-in targeting system in his eyes, which allows him to throw any object and hit his target.
He does not know this but he also has some telekinesis ability that allows him to slightly control what he throws to keep it on target (i.e. to hold it in wind, curve slightly around objects, etc.)


Affects nervous/electrical systems.

Able to directly control any nervous system in living things or electrical systems in electronics/mechanics /machines. She makes them freak out, not operate to their control, or even short out. In some cases she can control them altogether if they are unable to break her will.


Has the ability to rotate, affect, change, and alter patterns across her skin. Unfortunately, for the moment the only colors she can create are black and white (because they are the easiest). Not black, like dark skin, but BLACK. And not white, like Caucasian, but WHITE. The patterns are often triggered by her emotions. Sometimes, if she is in deep thought or angry she looks like a checkerboard.
In time she’ll learn to adapt her skin to include other colors as well and eventually be able to camouflage herself to blend in with her surroundings.

Feed Bag

Vacuum-suction eating
Black hole gut

Capable of sucking in and eating anything for fuel or energy… period! Has a black-hole type stomach that converts everything he eats into energy for fuel.



Has an uncanny ability for timing, accuracy, and precision. He cannot be shot, typically hits green lights, and has an incredible balance ability. Can turn on tv precisely when the show it about to start… naturally.

He is one of the few who actually likes his power. He is often seen as lucky. Is often bored and seen as boring. People confuse him for a British guy… even though he’s American.