Series 6-Biting the Hand That Feeds

Quick Summary

While Todd Ticket works to juggle school, work, and international crime fighting he soon comes to realize that he is not only surrounded by heroes of circumstance, but by others who do not even realize what they are... or are not. These individuals are soon forced to make a stand in a world that not only misjudges them but also underestimates them.

Dangerous old enemies resurface as terrible new threats and the mayor moves to create new laws for the safety and protection of others: the banishment of life itself!

And the secret behind these powerful changes are the horrible beginnings of one of Cycle City's most powerful crime lords!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pyschopart as Seth Hackshaw

Down on his luck character actor, he finally landed the role of a lifetime: a psychopathic villain in an ongoing comic series. Determined to ‘own’ the part he allowed himself to slip into the character role and is determined to not come out again until after the film is completed.
Problem is: halfway through the film they cut the project – but the actor’s character refused to go away, convinced that a ‘better performance’ will keep the showing running!
He’ll never come out until the film’s complete… but there are always the chance for sequels!
The character is a rockstar who realizes he can get more publicity blowing things up and killing people than doing rock concerts. It started when a person was killed at his concert by being trampled to death. Surprising everyone, he started to do things to encourage such violent acts from his fans. Then he started to do them himself until he’d sunk in too far. He realized the cops couldn’t touch him because he was already a big star so things escalated quickly. The character’s nemesis is a tough, bad cop who has no problem blowing things up also just to try and stop him! (Jack Slade-type character). Impersonator is asked by The Claw to play the part of the ‘good guy’ to help distract the character actor so that he can stop him. In the end, when The Claw helps stop him, the character actor only goes down because Impersonator takes him out, claiming the script said so!
Because he’s such a monster in real life The Halloween King offers him a chance to become a real monster! He hasn’t said ‘yes’… yet because he feels it’s not part of the script.

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