Series 6-Biting the Hand That Feeds

Quick Summary

While Todd Ticket works to juggle school, work, and international crime fighting he soon comes to realize that he is not only surrounded by heroes of circumstance, but by others who do not even realize what they are... or are not. These individuals are soon forced to make a stand in a world that not only misjudges them but also underestimates them.

Dangerous old enemies resurface as terrible new threats and the mayor moves to create new laws for the safety and protection of others: the banishment of life itself!

And the secret behind these powerful changes are the horrible beginnings of one of Cycle City's most powerful crime lords!

Series 6 History-Time Line

Birth Defect “Prowl” Independents
All children affected by the drug ‘Prowl’ birth defect gain their ‘abilities’ from their most prominent natural talent/emotional feature-it amplifies their strengths in odd and unique ways. All need skills to enhance/support their abilities and setbacks for weaknesses and setbacks for weaknesses.
Good guys:
Triplicate, Karen ?
? - Similar to Karen, he sucks in the life’s energy of those around him to vitalize himself because he is unable to generate/use his own energy. He needs to take it from others. Always tries to make sure he’s surrounded by large groups of people. He does not make others weak and ill because he takes just a little bit from all of those around him. If he is by himself with only one person then he would make them weak and ill.
With time and practice he’ll learn to take it from other sources-plants, electrical sources, and even the earth. With more time and practice he’ll learn to give it back to others in droves!
? - Able to create an energy shield simply by swinging an item like a rope, chain, belt, etc. The larger the swinging item the larger the shield.
? - Able to throw a boomerang-type burst of energy that can fly around within a set distance and return to him. With practice he’ll be able to extend the range, size, and amount of energy (damage) in it.
Hallucination, The Machinist, Sensor Sight
? - capable of sucking in and eating anything for fuel or energy… period! Has a black-hole type stomach that converts everything he eats into energy for fuel.
Precizion, Rick Factor, Switchtrack, Medic, Chronic, Carol Bishop, Groundquake, Rusty ?, Tornado Blade
? - Able to manipulate results of endeavors around him just by thinking positively.
Wild card- Able to have any power that he hears about… at random! He cannot control what power he has, when he has it, or how long he has it. Only that he can have a power he needs when he needs it… he just don’t know which one! Powers are categorized as: attack, defend, move, and information.
Bad guys:
Solar Flair, Masquerade, Spasm, Raven Weave & Mute Brute (Stealth & Strength), Hap Hazard, Infallible
? - Capable of pulling energy from the earth and using it to channel powerful blasts of energy from his hands.
The Animator- Has an uncanny ability for infusing inanimate objects with energy so that they become animated for a short amount of time. Objects are capable of banding together to fight, take on personality traits, or act as a defense. Objects that are animated may or may not respond to commands by this character. Some may choose to run away. With time and practice they always will.
Human barometer- Has an uncanny ability for affecting the weather with her emotions. If she’s happy the weather is nice and sunny. If she is mad the weather is hot, hot, hot. If she is sad it rains. If she is frustrated then lightening strikes. If she’s in love… who knows? Confused: fog. Emotionally distraught: flood. Other weather would include hail, snow, etc.
In time she could control the weather if she controls her emotions.
If the Infirmities Parasites got into her it would be weather mayhem.
Implant fear - Ability to create feelings of dread, uncomfortability, eeriness, panic, or paranoia in any person by sight.
With time and training he’ll be able to do it just by thinking of the target.
The Halloween King wants to get his hands on him but he keeps running from him!
Anti-social- Has an uncanny ability for affecting all other drug ‘Prowl’ birth defect individuals so that their willingness to work together simply vanishes. Targets simply want to go their own ways and forget their objectives/relationships with each other. Targets have to fight to not be affected.
Match Maker- Has an uncanny ability for affecting others to fall in love for a short time, despite the opposite attractions. Will only work with males and females. Also works with animals. Targets have to fight to not be distracted. Most are unable to resists.
Distraction-entertainer- Has an uncanny ability for distracting people when she performs via singing, dancing, or anything else (i.e. knock knock jokes). People become hypnotized and simply stare at her. Targets have to fight to not be distracted. Most are unable to resists.
Allusion - Capable of creating a strong sense of ‘need’ in others through a strong power of persuasion-whenever she tells someone to do something they have no other desire but to do that thing. The ability is beyond hypnotism. Not as powerful, forceful, or flexible as High Pitch.
Pass out - Ability to make any person faint/pass out/become unconscious by thought. They must be within range, though.
With time and training he’ll be able to expand his range.
Itchy - Ability to create itchy, tickle, burning, or other skin ‘irritation’ feelings in any person by thought. They must be within range, though.
With time and training he’ll be able to expand his range.
Memory - Ability to re-create any memory by touch. The memories are so vivid it’s like she and the target person are both actually there.
With time and training she’ll be able to do it from a distance.
Predictor - Has the ability to see the future in dreams. However, the dreams are portrayed as if they were stories and not actual events.
Polarity - Able to ‘reverse the polarity’ of any object with his mind. Telekinesis, so that it appears that objects either ‘run’ from him or are called to him, like metal to a magnet.
Earsplit - Sound: vibrations. Capable of creating high volume, piercing shrieks that border on the harmonics-vibrations that target the inner ear i.e. scrapping fingernails down a chalkboard. The sheiks are good for incapacitating others but do no permanent damage. Not as powerful, forceful, or flexible as High Pitch.

Goals for taking out Crime Shark’s network:
1. Find and take out the street ‘enforcers’ who put the drug in others without their approval to try and get them addicted. There will be many.
2. Find and take out the shipments who are moving the truck out of the city to other parts of the world.
3. Find and take out the manufacturing plants that are illegally making the drugs.
4. Find and take out Crime Shark and his head honchos themselves.

Karen ?- She’s fought and defeated Big Bear by putting her life in his proximity… and therefore in danger.

Similar to Karen, he sucks in the life’s energy of those around him to vitalize himself because he is unable to generate/use his own energy. He needs to take it from others. Always tries to make sure he’s surrounded by large groups of people. He does not make others weak and ill because he takes just a little bit from all of those around him. If he is by himself with only one person then he would make them weak and ill.
With time and practice he’ll learn to take it from other sources-plants, electrical sources, and even the earth. With more time and practice he’ll learn to give it back to others in droves!

Capable of pulling energy from the earth and using it to channel powerful blasts of energy from his hands.

Fung Shway- Has a natural M.A. (mental affinity) towards energy. She can see the flow of energy in rooms, spaces, animals, and machines. She can also see the spectrum/waves of energy and the auras in people.
Would work well with the Precizzion and the Machine M.A. guy on their projects.
With time and training she will also be able to control/manipulate energy.

Able to create an energy shield simply by swinging an item like a rope, chain, belt, etc. The larger the swinging item the larger the shield.

Able to throw a boomerang-type burst of energy that can fly around within a set distance and return to him. With practice he’ll be able to extend the range, size, and amount of energy (damage) in it.

The Animator-animates inanimate objects. Has an uncanny ability for infusing inanimate objects with energy so that they become animated for a short amount of time. Objects are capable of banding together to fight, take on personality traits, or act as a defense. Objects that are animated may or may not respond to commands by this character. Some may choose to run away. With time and practice they always will.

Solar Flair - Able to create, focus, and manipulate energy beams and arches similar to sun flares.

Has an uncanny ability for affecting the weather with her emotions. If she’s happy the weather is nice and sunny. If she is mad the weather is hot, hot, hot. If she is sad it rains. If she is frustrated then lightening strikes. If she’s in love… who knows? Confused: fog. Emotionally distraught: flood. Other weather would include hail, snow, etc.
In time she could control the weather if she controls her emotions.
If the Infirmities Parasites got into her it would be weather mayhem.

Ability to create feelings of dread, uncomfortability, eeriness, panic, or paranoia in any person by sight.
With time and training he’ll be able to do it just by thinking of the target.
The Halloween King wants to get his hands on him but he keeps running from him!

Has an uncanny ability for affecting all other drug ‘Prowl’ birth defect individuals so that their willingness to work together simply vanishes. Targets simply want to go their own ways and forget their objectives/relationships with each other. Targets have to fight to not be affected.

Match Maker- Has an uncanny ability for affecting others to fall in love for a short time, despite the opposite attractions. Will only work with males and females. Also works with animals. Targets have to fight to not be distracted. Most are unable to resists.

Has an uncanny ability for distracting people when she performs via singing, dancing, or anything else (i.e. knock knock jokes). People become hypnotized and simply stare at her. Targets have to fight to not be distracted. Most are unable to resists.

Ability to plant subconscious suggestions through her music.

Hallucination- Capable of creating illusions in the minds of others to ‘mask’ himself, allowing him to look like anyone he sees, comes in contact with, or imagine. He cannot create illusions to mask himself for electronic devices… but he can mask himself for those watching the electronic devices! (Unless they are an electronic device themselves…)

Masquerade- Capable of creating illusions in the minds of others to ‘mask’ herself, allowing her to look like anyone she sees, comes in contact with, or imagine. She cannot create illusions to mask herself for electronic devices… but she can mask himself for those watching the electronic devices! (Unless they are an electronic device themselves…)

Allusion- Capable of creating a strong sense of ‘need’ in others through a strong power of persuasion-whenever she tells someone to do something they have no other desire but to do that thing. The ability is beyond hypnotism. Not as powerful, forceful, or flexible as High Pitch.

Humanity Purity, led by Victor Varbro & Sylvia, led by their intolerance and hatred, decide to take it upon themselves to rid the world of these so-called 'power-humans,' who are no more than the left over remnants of the previous generation's trash-empowered, druggie's babies!